{ PRNTfn  'BMPRNT2 '  DCNXLNSPglb  .05  EPSMARG 3 } Coherent Systems | SLIB ' MRKTING ' |>| 42 Peck Slip | JOB |>| CoSy:Report89.8 New York ,NY 10038.1713 | DDT |#| MON.AUG,1989.8.14,16:50 212.285.1864 MCImail: CoSy Author: Bob Armstrong { PRNTfn  '2 BMPRNTW ' } ÄÄÄÄ Ä ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CoSy : The Intelligent Attache for the Responsible Individual ÄÄÄÄ Ä ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ { PRNTfn  'BMPRNT2 '  EPSMARG 3 } CoSy is a ready to use briefcase computer for the intellectual support of individuals in the business of life. CoSy is simply more efficient than paper and pencil for personal information management. { DCNXLNSPglb  .02 } This report : Summarizes the international APL conference held August 7th thru 10th here in Manhattan. See: APL89 Presents the records in CoSy of a dishonest 'party' scam by the Bedrox nightclub. See: The Fine Line of Honesty { DCNXLNSPglb  .05 } CoSy is built in, and extends 'A Programming Language' and the diversity of papers presented at the conference illustrates its use as a 'Tool of Thought' -- the attributes which lead it to be the foundation of CoSy. The record of the scam not only illuminates a practice which deserves exposure, but provides an example of the enhanced record keeping ability of CoSy. The status of such records in legal and common business practice perhaps will be the most profound consequence of the replacement of paper by notebook computers. May your life be CoSy, THU.AUG,1989.8.24,13:19 Highland Park, IL, USA Bob Armstrong Founder, President { EPSPAGE } Dregs: If the abilities I am continuing to work on creating fonts for printing which are transformations of the screen font. { PRNTfn  '3 BMPRNTW '  DCNXLNSPglb  .05  EPSMARG 2 } APL89 {PRNTfn  '2 BMPRNTW '} ųųų APL as a Tool of Thought ųųų {PRNTfn  'BMPRNT2 '  DCNXLNSPglb  .02 } ----------------------------------------------------------------- By relieving the brain of all unnecessary work, a good notation sets it free to concentrate on more advanced problems, and in effect increases the mental power of the race. {PRNTfn  'BMPRNTh12 '} A.N. Whitehead quoted by Kenneth Iverson in his Turing Award lecture, 'Notation as a Tool of Thought', 1979. { PRNTfn  'BMPRNT2 ' } ----------------------------------------------------------------- { DCNXLNSPglb  .05 } Unlike other programming languages, APL was created as a notation to aid the precise expression of sophisticated concepts. The depth and power of its concepts is what led me to learn it in the '70s when I was working to understand the mathematics of brains, and why I have 'lived in it' ever since. I realized that if I hoped to continue to learn new things in the '90s, they would have to be expressed, very succinctly in a form I could experiment with on my computer. APL conferences are unique among computer conferences in presenting papers which are expositions, in the language, of diverse subjects, rather than being about computers or data processing. Below are synopses of a number of papers which illustrate this.{ DCNXLNSPglb  .0 } Workspace 'Maze' , Anthony Camacho : Showed 'travelogue' of British mazes and talked about solving them - including a new 'coloured' variety. APL as a Tool for Computations in Growth Studies , Tapio Nummi : Presented the mathematics of generalized multivariate analysis of variance to estimate growth curves when data is incomplete. APL Descriptions of Functional Building Blocks for Connectionist Computer Models , Alvin Surkin : 'Neural Net' algorithms expressed in APL terser than the title. {EPSMARG 0  PRNTfn  'BMPRNTl2c ' } This talk, in fact, represents the expository use of APL I anticipated in the '70s. I was never directly involved with 'holographic', or more properly, 'correlational' memory theory, but kept up with the field. The fundamental phenomenon is the ability to recreate a pattern from its correlation with another. An example is presented without comment below. Q  ? 12 ū 2 |>| 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 QW  ? 10 ū 2 |>| 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 M  Q ų.= QW |>| 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 ė R  M ^.= QW |>| 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Q š R |>| 1 I believe the meanings of the APL operations can be discerned by close inspection. No other language can so simply express these ideas. The ability to recall a whole pattern on the basis of a partial cue is illustrated below: 5  QW |>| 0 1 0 1 1 ( 12 5  M) ^.= 5  QW |>| 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 {EPSMARG 3  PRNTfn  'BMPRNT2 ' } Processing Natural Language: Syntactic and Semantic Mechanisms , Hagamen, Berry, Iverson, & Weber : The functional knowledge in the 2000 pages of 'Gray"s Anatomy' reduced to a 3 by 5000 matrix of indices. A very impressive system used to teach anatomy at Cornell U. Medical College. \CoherentSystems;212.285.1864 MCImail: CoSy ; 42 Peck Slip / NYC, NY 10038 89.8.25 BA { EPSPAGE } {EPSMARG 3  PRNTfn  'BMPRNT2 '  DCNXLNSPglb  .0 } APL for MUSIC , Stanley Jordan : Invited Speaker . Brilliant and beautiful talk by the noted Jazz musician. Not only plays guitar, but creates clouds of sound meandering in multidimensional spaces -- in APL. Astrophysical APL - Diamonds in the Sky , Schneider, Paluzzi, & Webb : Members of the Space Telescope group present the physics of carbon white dwarf stars in half a dozen short APL functions. Diawa Time Series Analysis Package , Daiwa Institute of Research : Presented an analysis of recent economic growth in Japan as an example of the use of their financial databases and APL based analytical systems. Reflections on Teaching APL to Eighth Graders , Kristen Sternberg : NYC private school students, meeting once a week, grasp the concepts, including arrays, quickly, but have trouble remembering the symbols, even apparently obvious ones like ¨ (maximum) and ¸ (minimum). Interference with notation being learned in other classes may contribute to the problem, and lack of use of APL in other classes with mathematical content does not help. Streamlining APL , Arthur Whitney : Described an extremely efficient APL interpreter created by and for the Analytical Proprietary Trading group at Morgan Stanley. The system supports continuous rule-based monitoring of financial markets. 'Most of what it does couldn"t be done in any other environment.' Using APL for Computer Graphics Notation , Judson Rosebush : Discussed issues ranging from the practical to the abstract surrounding computer animation in the commercial production environment. Many of his accompaning videos are familiar from commercial television. { DCNXLNSPglb  .05 } The keynote address, 'A Planning Language', was not by an APLer, nor about programming per se. Tom Gilb discussed the 'cartesian' analysis of project objectives and costs in terms of numerical measurments of observables. For instance, a binary notion such as 'user friendly' might be quantified in terms of training time, frequency of user errors, etc. The goal of such analyses is unambiguous contracts specifying measurable criteria for critical factors, all on 1 page. Mr. Gilb's work resonates with CoSy because of the ability to construct 'executable' contracts in CoSy. Just as the example of associative memory, above, is embedded in this newsletter, the quantitative specifications of a contract can be embedded in it. DCNXLNSPglb  .0 \CoherentSystems;212.285.1864 MCImail: CoSy ; 42 Peck Slip / NYC, NY 10038 89.8.25 BA Dregs: The magazine 'AI Expert' recently offered disks with algorithms for a number fundamental neural net models in Basic or other languages. The notion Matematica apears single intellectual thread