Subject: Re: FW: Buy Chinese
From: Bob Armstrong <>
Date: 2023-04-18, 13:31
To: Karthik Krishna <>, ...

Did I mention that I astounded when I received a VHS campaign tape from Bloomberg when I lived in Manhattan . A VHS tape ! Wonder how many he mailed . Never mentioned he was going to outlaw smoking .

My freshman years were at a land-grand college , Miami of Ohio .  Met the IBM 1620 .

While I'm writing , a couple of teky indulgences which show how succinct CoSy code is for what it gets done :
Amy Lunde who lives out by Peyton posted about snow on her humming bird feeder . I replied :
You remind me it's time to start watching .
Here are my first mentions of humming birds over the years in CoSy  :
`( y2006.txt y2007.txt y2008.txt y2009.txt y2010.txt y2011.txt y2012.txt y2013.txt y2014.txt y2015.txt y2016.txt y2017.txt y2018.txt y2019.txt y2020.txt y2021.txt y2022.txt )`
` C:/CoSyBob/CoSy/ />\ R0 ' cL 'R >t0

t0 { F> daylncut ` humming con dsc } 'm dae reverse >t0>
t0 { lfVM dae .+ dsc $ ` humm con cL } 'm >T0>
T0 ' dsc 'm { blVM 4 _at s" | " enc braket } 'm T0 ' 1th 'm ' cL 'd

| Thu.Apr,20220421 | | 0927 | mailing | 1019 | think saw 1st humming bird flit by | w : 216.0 . bath
| Thu.May,20210506 | ( | 1st HummingBird | 0827 | ) | 0846 |
| Sun.Apr,20200426 | | saw 1st hummingbird | 1702 | Ray Dyalog problem | 0032 |
| Thu.May,20190502 | | 0801 | | First HUMMING BIRD . got out feeder 350g Sug | 0810 | | 0949 |
| Sun.May,20180506 | CoSy |( glanced 1st hummingbird ystdy . saw today )| 1408 | | 1518 |
| Mon.Apr,20170424 | First Humming Bird !
| Sat.May,20160507 | | 0731 | | 0844 | w : 220.0 | 0950 | humming Bird feeder out . 1st HB | 1131 |
| Fri.Apr,20150424 | | 0821 | | w : 217.6 | w : 218.0 | 0955 | | 1048 | 1st HummingBird ! |
| Wed.May,20140514 | |( last night . HummingBird suger water froze . haven't seen one since day bfr ystrdy
| Wed.May,20130508 | hummingbird ystdy so put out feeder . Wanted to get pic of 1 feeding today
| Thu.May,20110526 | | 1348 | saw 1st Hummingbird of year
| Tue.Jun,20090616 | With respect to diet , we live on the edge of Pike National forest hand have , currently 10 ducks , 4 horses , 5 cats + 5 Kittens , 4 dogs , a cockatoo and a conure , not to mention humming birds .
| Mon.Jul,20080728 | humming birds | 0855 | Jordan post to Motl's ; email | 1103 | glass | animules

FB formatting Sucks .
And a few days ago  :
I posted a solution in CoSy , the language , to a puzzle ,
   i( 1 4 2 5 3 6 5 8 )i >t0> 4 _partition
 1 4
 2 5
 3 6
 5 8

t0  ' + .\ |>| 1 5 7 12 15 21 26 34
which made me realize I had never ` upgraded ` .\ to work on CoSy level verbs .
` .\ is the APL ` scan adverb . I think you can deduce what it does from the example above where ` + is the raw x86 level ` plus .
It took me far longer than it should to get the CoSy level definition perfect because I only occasionally have the time to immerse my self in coding , and coding benefits from immersion especially when you have a vocabulary of
Allwords # |>| 2355
from the machine primitives to the APL level abstractions and everyday useful vocabulary on that .
Here's the final definition . This took far more time than it should have  :
| ` scan , integral , for ` CoSy level fns . like running ` ./ | 20230414 20230416
: .\ ( RA fn -- r ) >aux 1p> dup i# $ Type@ VecInit >Lpstk
R@ dsc lpstk@ 0 _at!
lpstk@ i# 1 do lpstk@ i 1- _at R@ i _at aux@ execute
lpstk@ i _at! loop auxdrop Lpstk> 1P> ;
So now I can write :
i( 1 4 2 5 3 6 5 8 )i ' +i .\ |>| 1 5 7 12 15 21 26 34
i( 1 4 2 5 3 6 5 8 )i ' *i .\ |>| 1 4 8 40 120 720 3600 28800
which gives a bit of the flavor of the generality of the operator .
If anybody would like to see how this works word by word , let me know and I'll look at scheduling a Zoom .
Bob A
| Corrected 20230417.1258 |

Turns out
i( 1 4 2 5 3 6 5 8 )i i( 4 2 )i take flip ' ,/ 'm >t0>
1 2 3 5
4 5 6 8
t0 dsc t0 1th *i t0 dsc +i |>| 5 12 21 45
also works .
Bob A

| --

| I think maybe some of my email problems may be due to the domain being registered with a different company than my host . So I'm also posting this at .

| --

On 2023-04-18 09:20, Karthik Krishna wrote:



I bought a subscription to Bloomberg using KKrish funds and if anybody wants to have access to its articles, please let me know.


Read an eye-opening article on American Education this morning. Direct link below and also attached PDF version.


For different reasons, a couple of highlights that caught my attention:





Karthik Krishna

Founder & CEO


KKrish Energy LLC

Mobile: (719) 722.6466


Present Location: Colorado USA



From: The Bloomberg Open <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 4:20:50 AM
To: Karthik Krishna <>
Subject: Buy Chinese

Peace thru Freedom
Honesty enforced thru Transparency ,

-- -- Bob Armstrong Vita -- 719.337.2733
CoSy  The Simplest Most ` Powerful Computing Language Environment
I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection
-- 28124 State Highway 67 Woodland Park CO 80863-9711